The benefits of roller shelf for bottling drinks
Sep 26 , 2024What is a gravity slide?
As a new high-tech display prop, roller
shelf automatically slides the goods from the back of the first bottle to the
front, which can automatically tally the goods and keep the shelves full at all
The main benefits
of gravity slides
The benefits of roller shelf can reduce the refrigerator, shelf and other signs of finishing time, thereby reducing the number of refrigerators to open the door and open the door time, saving power consumption, play an open source and throttling purposes. At the same time to improve the efficiency of staff, reduce labor costs, short cost recovery period.
Roller shelf improves tally efficiency
Wire sliding drink shelf to solve the
traditional refrigerator, shelf surface confusion, commodity dumping, expired
and other ills, the front baffle acrylic can be customized LOGO, enhance the
brand three-dimensional publicity effect. In todays high marketing costs, the
use of roller shelf, you can make your goods low-cost in a short period of time
to let customers notice.
Roller shelf
conform to the trend of the times
Display Freezers for convenience
store/canteen vertical drinks to enhance value. Retail plastic beverage shelf innovation traditional beverage freezer shelves do not have automatic tallying
function, customers take away the front of the goods, goods in the back fixed,
it is easy to lead to expired and take inconvenience, leading to poor customer
shopping experience.
Reasons to buy
1, let the goods automatically first row;
2. Reduce labor costs
3. Save Electricity, save energy and protect
the environment
4. Increase sales and make shopping a better
experience for customers
5. Roller shelf according
to the shelf (width, depth custom) , can be 1 piece custom.